Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs

Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs
Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs Journal (RARE Journal) is a new international open access, online, peer-reviewed journal published three times per year, with no publishing fees.

The mission of RARE Journal is to provide an advanced forum on important aspects of public health, health policy and clinical research in ways that will improve health care and outcomes for persons suffering from rare diseases, as well as globally increase rare diseases experience sharing.

RARE Journal serves the international rare diseases community by publishing high-quality articles from epidemiology, public health, health economics, social sciences, ethics and law, with a special accent on rare diseases best practices guidelines, rare diseases research recommendations, and rare diseases epidemiological reports.

RARE Journal publishes several types of articles, including original research article, case report, systematic review and meta-analysis, report of clinical practice guidelines, HTA report, epidemiological registry report, commentary, letter to Editors, meeting and project reports. The journal also anticipates special issues dedicated to a specific topic, such as particular rare disease or a group of rare diseases. Suggestions for topics are welcome.